At least 300 British tourists aboard `Sagarose` cruise ship were expected to visit Maluku province`s capital of Ambon next March 3, 2008, a local official has said.
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"Some 300 British tourists are scheduled to stay in Ambon for about eight hours to visit a number of tourist objects and enjoy Maluku`s special arts attractions," Spokesman for the Ambon city administration, Henry Sopacua, said here Thursday. Preparations have been made jointly with Maluku province`s Tourism Office, local security authorities, immigration office, state shipping company PT Pelni and local port administrator to welcome the foreign visitors. Various preparations have also been made in support of the Visit Indonesia 2008 program, he said. The British tourists were slated to visit the cemetery of Commonwealth soldiers who were killed during the World War II in Kapahaha area, Natsepa beach, Liang beach and Eel tourist site in Waai village. The British tourists were also expected to enjoy the view of Ambon City where they can see the statue of national heroin Martha Christina Tiahahu in Karang Panjang area and Mt. Nona."Under the directives from Ambon Mayor Jopi Papilaja who has the idea of inviting the 300 British tourists, we are also preparing an arts collaboration performance dubbed `Tatobuang` and `Sawat`," Henry said. Head of Maluku province`s tourism office, Ape Watratan, hinted that Maluku Governor Karel Albert Ralahalu has included the visit of the 300 British tourists in the provincial tourism program in support of the Visit Indonesia 2008. "The number of foreign tourists coming to Maluku continues to rise thanks to the increasingly conducive security situation following the communal conflict which began in 1999 but has now ended in peace," Ape said. Tourists from Australia have even frequently visited Maluku despite a travel warning issued by their government, he said. (*)
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