Tree under which the Treaty of Wajoq was agreed
Ian Caldwell spent four weeks In July and August researching the hydrology of the Walennae Depression. Mr Harry Clark, a British irrigation engineer with more than 20 years experience in South Sulawesi, provided assistance, advice, and access to primary data. The research brings together hard-to-obtain flow rate data on the various elements of the Walennae depression system into a single hydrological model. It is expected that this model will help identify the areas on which the Bugis farmed wet-rice prior to the rise of kingdoms after AD 1300.
At Malangke in Luwu, a team from Balai Arkaeologi Makassar led by Budianto Hakim excavated what they believe to have been a Javanese-style brick structure dating to the fourteenth century AD. Unfortunately, the research was inconclusive as the site had been thoroughly looted, leaving only a scatter of bricks.
In July, Ian Caldwell, Stephen Druce and Budianto Hakim visited Wajo, where they found that the tree under which the treaty of that formed the kingdom under the leadership of the fourth Arung Matowa, La Tadampareq, Puang Magalatung has fallen down. Its surrounding fence is in disrepair and the enclosure in which the tree stood is overgrown with secondary forest.
At Malangke in Luwu, a team from Balai Arkaeologi Makassar led by Budianto Hakim excavated what they believe to have been a Javanese-style brick structure dating to the fourteenth century AD. Unfortunately, the research was inconclusive as the site had been thoroughly looted, leaving only a scatter of bricks.
In July, Ian Caldwell, Stephen Druce and Budianto Hakim visited Wajo, where they found that the tree under which the treaty of that formed the kingdom under the leadership of the fourth Arung Matowa, La Tadampareq, Puang Magalatung has fallen down. Its surrounding fence is in disrepair and the enclosure in which the tree stood is overgrown with secondary forest.
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