Saturday, March 29, 2008

Social and Cultural South East Sulawesi province

South East Sulawesi has several group of area language with different dialect. The difference of this dialect enrich Indonesian culture treasure. The group of area language in South East Sulawesi and each dialect are:
Tolaki language group stand for: Mekongga dialect, Konawe dialect, Moronene dialect, Wawonii dialect, Kulisusu dialect, Kabaena dialect;
Muna language group stand for: Tiworo dialect, Mawasangka dialect, Gu dialect, Katobengke dialect, Siompu dialect, Kadatua dialect;
Pongana language group stand for: Lasalimu dialect, Kapontori dialect, Kaisabu dialect;
Walio (Buton) language group stand for: Kraton dialect, Pesisir dialect, Bungi dialect, Tolandona dialect, Talaga dialect;
Cia-Cia language group stand for: Wobula dialect, Batauga dialect, Sampolawa dialect, Lapero dialect, Takimpo dialect, Kandawa dialect, Halimambo dialect, Batuatas dialect, Wali dialect (in Binongko island);
Suai language group stand for: Wanci dialect, Kaledupa dialect, Tomia dialect, Binongko dialect. To arrange life connection among community there is a custom law is always obeyed by community. The kind of custom law that is land law, community intercourse law, married law and heir law. South East Sulawesi has many kinds of potential arts that enrich the Indonesian culture treasure. The kinds of arts are dance art, carved art, paint art, sing art and sound art. The dance art constitute community dance who are performed at every traditional ceremony or welcome high guests to be accompanied by traditional music tools like gong, kecapi, and bamboo flute blowing besides modern music kinds of dance art in Central Sulawesi are: Umoara dance, Mowindahako dance, Molulo dance, Ore-Ore dance, Linda dance, Dimba-Dimba dance, Moide-Moide dance, Honari dance. Besides that South East Sulawesi well known also with Carved art that is Silver carved where as the others carved art are rattan plait and gembol table from wood.Source: Indonesia Tanah Airku (2007).